Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Determinsm, Free Will, and Experience

If neither an "act of God" nor the hand of another man ends your life, then it is true that you always play the only role in shaping your fate, when "fate" is defined as the end you meet when you meet it.

Determinists say that because we are what the events of our lives have caused us to be, that our fate is out of our hands for the most part. If an auto accident took your leg, free will could not bring it back, nor change it.

But these determinists forget that what you are requires experience. It requires the existence of things that happen to you, for you, and by you. These things are the very stuff of life. Without empirical existence and the things it causes you to deal with, there would be no you.

So it is up to you to consider the events of existence as the "natural resources" of your consciousness, because without them you would have no consciousness. And if they are your natural resources, then only you can use them to your advantage.

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